10 Minute Assembly - This bike arrives 90% assembled right to your door.
Just add Gas and you are good to go. Strong durable 4-stroke engine means no mixing gas and oil.
Our dirtbikes are built to last. We know little ones can be tough on their toys so we use only the most premium materials.
- Honda®-Based 4-STROKE Engine, Single Cylinder, Air Cooled
- Max Speed: 22mph with Adjustable Speed Governer (Set your own max speed)
- Single geared - no clutch or carb designed for minimal maintance
- Rear Drum Brake - For Max Control
- Easy recoil pull starter - Child proof so your child cannot start it when you are not around.
- Electronic kill switch - for fast and easy power down
- No more mixing fuel - 87+ unleaded gas (no oil mixing required)
- Fuel Tank Capacity: 1.8 Liters
- Range: 30 miles per tank
The manufacturer recommended max weight limit is 150lbs.
The max speed on the 50cc trail bike is approximately 22mph.
The maintenance is practically nothing! We recommend changing the oil every 10-15 hours of ride time.
All of our products come with a free 90 manufacturer gauranteed warranty against any defects.
The 50cc kids trail dirtbike has a 30 day return window period that is activated on the date of purchase.